With respect Terry... While Selina is, without question, a victim of vile anti-Semitism and was hung out to dry by her party and her leader, she is no hero. She is (was?) aligned with a nasty group of bullies that are ideological extremists. The NDP barely squeaked into government and then betrayed their co-conspirators (the Greens, LoL) when the first opportunity presented itself. They road the wave of fear and uncertainty that came with the first wave of COVID, to consolidate their hold on government. Much of that fear was pushed by them knowingly. They continue to punish anyone that didn't succumb to their unscientific policies, to this day. Ask an unvaccinated nurse or healthcare worker, in the middle of a healthcare crisis why they still can't work in BC. So, while I detest the treatment of Selina by all those entities you rightfully report on, her and her entire party are long past their "Best Before Date". A pox on all of them, I say. The enemy of my enemy, is not always my friend.

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I feel so useless to my Jewish friends. I check in on them. I remind them that I love them. I speak up (it’s been an effective way of ridding myself of antisemitic acquaintances). Once, I reassured a friend who asked that I would hide her while we both wept. Mostly, I feel that there is an ill wind blowing and that we are drowning in the madness of crowds.

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Believe me, you're far from useless. It's all too easy for people to get the impression that social media, demonstrations and the idiocy spoken by politicians and members of the opinion-forming classes is consistent with the broader public's understanding of what's going on.

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Thank you for this interview with Selina Robinson. When external, political entities with terrorist ties are successful in removing a B.C. cabinet minister from her post, we all need to pay attention.

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Terry, thanks for interviewing Selina Robinson and it was really good to hear from her. I agree with most of what you both are concluding is happening right now. My greatest concern is how education of the younger generation has failed us (I was a school trustee in West Van once and was surprised at how little meaningful context on world affairs was presented).

We also do need to emphasize that what is happening right now is not new and my guess would be that Selina must have sensed even before October 7th that these sort of evil undercurrents on the left would manifest themselves. I take your optimistic view on waking up those that are now taking notice, but there is a very long road ahead of us.

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Wow have to admire Eby’s manly, brave leadership, I mean throwing a female Jewish member of his team under the bus in order to avoid controversy and get a few votes, that takes tremendous guts and a good dose of blinding antisemitism and misogyny. [insert sarcasm as appropriate]

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Selina is a women of great courage. She is honest about what is happening in our Schools, University our education system. What has Happened to Reading Writing, Arithmetic, Science, Geography, History, Political Science and so on, now it seems to be about gender equality, sex rights Etc. What has happened to the Education Centre's. Taken Over by Whom for what benefit...to destroy our Canada from within! Selina told the truth and now is being punished for it! Her boss is anti-Semitic!

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" It is almost like people have lost their manners " " Respect for a difference of opinion ". According to many, there is very little transparency or open discussion of differing opinions , let alone compromise, between the parties within the BC Government.

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Thank you Terry for giving me the opportunity to hear Selina talk about what she's been subjected to for "being mildly Zionist". I am reminded of the treatment Annamie Paul and other Jewish members were given by the "Intifada Lobby" in the Green Party for resolutely defending Israel's right to exist.

As regards the spinning of Israel, a refugee state, into a "settler colonial project" that caused the displacement of a perceived indigenous population, largely Muslim and identifying as Arab, the great Israeli historian Benny Morris was recently the guest of Dan Senor's Call Me Back podcast. Morris's summary of the history of the land was that the Jews were a Mesopotamian people who settled in the land of Israel about 2500 BCE. At the time of the Islamic Conquests of broad swaths of south Asia and north Africa nearly 3,000 years later by tribes from the Hejaz, the land of Israel was populated by a combination of Jews (who had survived or returned after the demise of the Roman occupation), Christians (most likely converts from Judaism) and Pagans, who were "converted" by the triumphant invaders, some of whom no doubt settled in the lands they had conquered. So it is just so historically illiterate to assume that there is a parallel to be found with the European colonization of the Americas.

So where did this lethally poisonous claim come from? Izabella Tabarovsky believes it was the work of the Soviet propaganda machine and wrote about it here: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/arts-letters/articles/cult-of-antizionism-icsz

How did western academia become so infected with hostility towards Israel and Zionism? I'm in my early 70s, so I'm inclined to look in the direction of Noam Chomsky and his circle, post Vietnam War and the notorious "Zionism is Racism" UNGA resolution as a major turning point against Israel by so-called progressives.

The Durban conferences and the launching of the BDS movement that tarred Israel with the "apartheid" defamation further supercharged this hostility.

Other contributors include the hijacking of global NGOs including Amnesty International, HRW and Doctors Without Borders, which Danielle Haas, a former HRW senior editor, has just written a great piece about in Sapir Journal. https://sapirjournal.org/friends-and-foes/2024/03/the-human-rights-establishment/?utm_source=ji&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=031824&fbclid=IwAR3uAKTx0B3abknvGXqPEH2IsjvTEo02maKMKpKOIMkWCpTeko9vbv0gJBY

Terry (and Selina), you might be interested to know that the Intifada Lobby has recently claimed that Israel's having "made the desert bloom" is an indicator of , wait for it, "colonialism". It's not just that the Intifada Lobby are willfully ignorant of history, they also haven't a clue as to how deserts come into existence, or increase in size. https://www.prb.org/resources/whats-behind-desertification/#:~:text=Human%20activities%20that%20contribute%20to,practices%2C%20deforestation%2C%20and%20overgrazing.

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Does the public have the right to know which organizations, (universities, teacher unions, politicians, etc.) wrote letters asking for, supporting or decrying the dismissal of Selina Robertson? Freedom of expression is sacred and protected but comes with the responsibility of openness.

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Happy St. Patrick's Day.

The Shamrock can be a sign of re-birth and hope every spring.

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One of the best interviews I've heard about the western "progressive" left and Israel. One phrase I didn't hear (maybe I missed it) was how the "progressive" left is more concerned about virtue signalling its fellow believers about Israel's apparent "misdeeds" than investigating and speaking out about the actual facts.

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