"...Canada’s intelligence agencies don’t even have “the tools to understand the threat,” that a total “rethink” was in order: “Our act was designed in 1984 and it has not had significant changes or amendments,” Fisher said."

The LAST thing we need is for these Trudeau liberals to be reviewing and rewriting the Security of Information Act.

Thank you Terry - I have been waiting a long time for this all to come out.

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While I'm certainly delighted with your unrestrained criticism of Trudeau and his corrupt cabinet, let's not forget the the Federal New Democrats are the unabashed enablers of this CCP controlled government. They should wear this betrayal of Canada's democratic process with equal culpability as the Lieberals (sic.).

Anyway, happily re-upped yesterday for another year. How much is a life time subscription?

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Yes, it's time to take a hard look at the NDP. Are they still the socialist party of old or the new communist party? Has the CCP also enabled NDP's 25 seats in Parliament? The NDP is anything but inclusive - you cannot be a member if you belong to any other political party.

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Thanks Kelly. A bit pricey. It's 250 for a founders' sub.

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Haha...sign me up as a lifer too. Thanks Terry!

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I think in "normal times" a revelation such as this would have a great effect. In these times of corruption and free pass scandals it is business as usual. Deny, deny and it will go away. The Globe and Terry have done a great job. Let us hope that the rest of the media will continue to take this up.

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"Either by some black magic of bureaucratic inertia or incompetence, Trudeau has been able to play dumb, like he didn’t know the details, or at other times he implies that he did know, but hey, big deal, this sort of thing happens all the time, and now CSIS better start plugging its leaks."

Trudeau is only able to do this because of the mindless TruAnon cultists who continue to support him no matter what he does.

My thanks to you Mr. Glavin, and to Fife, Chase, and all the other real journalists who refuse to whore themselves out.

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Karl, re. "Trudeau has been able to play dumb"..... that's really not very difficult for Justin Competent!

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Ii think he is smarter than we would like to think. He continously slips by every obstacle that would cripple others.

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Trudeau is what I call "Narcissist smart". Much more clever than people give him credit for when it comes to manipulating people and situations. But he is the center of his own universe. And that will be his undoing. Eventually.

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People often seem smooth when, in reality, they're covered in slime.

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Penny, people often confuse smooth with slippery and slimy.

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David, the MSM lets him get away with it!

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Hey hold on I'm MSM

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So's Bob Fife and Steve Chase and Sam Cooper et al.

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Obviously, the problem with throwing mud indiscriminately is that one hits unintended folk.

On the other hand, much of the MSM is totally lacking (a great understatement!) that those who do do terrific work are so often erroneously lumped in with the rest.

On the other, other hand (how many hands do I have?) it seems to me that the MSM as a group do such poor work (yeah, I know, economics, smaller newsrooms and other real but lame excuses) mean that noting the exceptions of Glavin, Fife, Chase, Cooper et al simply prove that better is absolutely still possible so that means that the arguments against MSM absolutely do have a great deal of merit.

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True enough. But there seems to be different levels of "mainstream". It is good that there are some parts of the media (yourself in that part) who are pursuing these stories, but you are not making the headlines, or driving the news agendas or getting the chance to directly quiz those in power.

I know many people who are intimately acquainted with every detail of John Tory's bit on the side, but have never seen the merest sniff of the stuff you write about.

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Not surprised at all. He did say he liked the Chinese govt’s “basic dictatorship.” That should have been enough of a warning not to elect him in the first place. Canada has fallen down in terms of basic democratic oversight. Please keep up the good work.

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"I’m on Team CCLA in all this, obviously." I'm with you, Terry, as are millions of other Canadians ; however, Canadian Courts have made it quite clear they are on Team Trudeau and his sneak of weasels. I'm not seeing much cause for optimism in the political disgrace that is supposed to be Parliamentary Democracy when our freedoms are being erased and not even our elections are legitimate. Thank you for refusing to be muzzled. Keep up the great work.

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Fabulous reporting here again, Terry. Keep it up. God only knows what it will take for Canadians to take onboard what the hell the Libs have been up to here and show some outrage at the ballot box.

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Great work. Happily renewed my subscription to my The Real Story this week. China threat cannot be waved away. Cdns need to know that their national security and democracy work. Need a full public independent non-partisan investigation, no matter how messy or embarrassing it is for govt or MPs. The puerile and bizarre reaction of govt MPs in referencing Trump leads one to believe that there is much they are hiding- they are horrified it will come out. Our national security and democracy is at stake. Good to see courageous reporting on this come out this week.

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Thanks for this Richard.

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Regarding the Rouleau report, what did you expect? The fix was in from the start.

The Liberals appointed an old Liberal insider judge who determines that the Liberals were justified in invoking the War Measures Act (sorry the Emergencies Act). Quel surprise.

Would you believe…? In 1983, Paul Rouleau was part of John Turner’s campaign for leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada after Pierre Trudeau announced retirement. He then helped pick Turner’s cabinet once he won leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada. Contemporary media reports described him as either Turner's executive assistant or appointments secretary.

Wait, there’s more. On April 15, 2005, Liberal Irwin Cotler, Liberal Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, announced the appointment of Mr. Justice Paul S. Rouleau of Toronto to the Ontario Court of Appeal.

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Besides Chinese interference helping the Liberals win elections, there are a few other reasons that Trudeau, or more precisely Trudeau’s handlers in the Laurentian Mafia kowtow to China.

MONTREAL: July 27, 2022 – Candu Energy Inc., a member of the SNC-Lavalin Group announces it is engaged in design and engineering work with the Third Qinshan Nuclear Power Company Limited (TQNPC), operator of the Qinshan Phase III Nuclear Generating Station located outside of Shanghai, China. It’s a future that’s expected to require $125 trillion in investment over the next 30 years.

MONTRÉAL, Jan. 5, 2022 - Power Corporation of Canada today announced that it has entered into an agreement under which the Power Corporation group of companies' current combined 27.8% equity ownership stake in China Asset Management Co., Ltd. (ChinaAMC) will be consolidated at IGM Financial Inc.

Montreal, Jan 12 2000 In a bid to expand its presence in the international energy market, Canadian utility Hydro-Québec has bought a 20% stake in Chinese electricity company Meiya Power Company (MPC).

Ottawa, Feb 1, 2023 - Dominic Barton, McKinsey & Company's former global managing director, former Canadian Ambassador to China, and good friend of Justin Trudeau, told a House of Commons committee Wednesday he has played no role in the Liberal government's decisions to grant contracts to the consulting firm (this guy should get an Oscar for that comedic performance).

To paraphrase Joseph Goebbels from an article he wrote in 1941.

“The Liberals follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.”

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Please, good people of Canada, pay no attention to Chinese interference in our elections. You should not notice Chinese police stations in our major cities, Chinese Army on Canadian soil, Chinese agents in our virology lab, Chinese agents in our space agency. Chinese takeovers of major Canadian resource companies. Nothing to see here people. Everybody move forward, we’ve got your backs. Love Justin.

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That was my OmG too. when JT doubled down on CSIS.

“That rupture will only get deeper now that Trudeau’s response to the revelations about the Chinese Communist Party’s 2021 election-jimmying operation is: CSIS needs to shut the hell up. “

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And in the headlines today, "Justin Trudeau says his rivals are helping to undermine Canada’s democracy".

Like I said somewhere else in this thread, “The Liberals follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.”

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That Canadian Press article was in the National Post yesterday. One of a few that allowed no comments.

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Former MP Kenny Chiu was smeared on WeChat, all the evidence is there and the Liberal government has known about it since 2021. This government stole the seat undemocratically and have no intention of doing anything about it. According to Trudeau the people determined the outcome. The phone call is coming from inside the house. Let that sink in.

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That we still have Universities aiding the CCP Army with research is another contention as we see the steady erosion of free speech on campuses across Canada. They have all been infiltrated by the same ideology as that of the elites, like the Trudeau Liberals and NDP, as its been pumped into the students for decades and pushed out on society. In case Canadian's have not notiiced we are in the midst of a cultural revolution as is the United States and all Western Nations. The huge Chinese influence and that of other totaltarian regimes that have convinced the elitests in the undemocratic and unelected agencies such as the WHO, UN, and WEF that the Western countries are the cause of all ill will around the globe. Freedom and democracy are being warred upon by many of our politicians, institutions, and the Corporate Media (there are still good journalist, mostly old school like Terry, that are not part of the new University trained elitest journalist/activists working for the change of our society). Their want for globalist domination, ties and ideals, prefer the CCP dictatorship model over our own. It gives the powerful authority over all our lives. Nothing is more compelling to wealthy narcissists and tyrants, than power, money and control. They want it all and care little for the citisens, as they are but the money that feeds their machine. Thanks for keeping us informed Terry.

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The reason the Liberals refuse to create a Foreign Agent Registry is because almost every name on the list would be a Liberal, a big name Liberal.

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The great irony of course is that we will for sure now get a Conservative government with “ the evil” PP as our PM. The very outcome that the entitled Liberals have connived and colluded with the Chinese to prevent. Appreciate your great work as usual Terry.

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We can, at the very least, hope!

But can't overestimate Canadians', shall we say, sluggishness.

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I certainly hope so, but have you looked at Canada 338 numbers since Rouleau's report? Unbelievable.

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