I've had too many conversation in the last week with people that thrown up their hands and decided that can't be bothered to choose a side. Orwell warned us of this too. They will flood the zone with so much information you will tire of sifting through it. It's terrifying that this strategy is working so well. Thanks as always Terry. I don't know how you keep pushing on.

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This was the lede paragraph in the very first Real Story newsletter, February 20, 2022.

"Indifference to objective truth is encouraged by the sealing-off of one part of the world from another, which makes it harder and harder to discover what is actually happening. There can often be a genuine doubt about the most enormous events. . . Probably the truth is discoverable, but the facts will be so dishonestly set forth in almost any newspaper that the ordinary reader can be forgiven either for swallowing lies or failing to form an opinion. The general uncertainty as to what is really happening makes it easier to cling to lunatic beliefs."

- from George Orwell’s “Notes on Nationalism,” in Polemic, May, 1945.

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I have a perfect example. Yesterday on Facebook a friend posted a picture of Ziggy Marley with a peace sign saying “Free Gaza” and then below “from Hamas”. The problem is that I had seen that photo all over social media proclaiming that Ziggy supports Hamas. Why? Because they photoshopped/deleted the part that says “from Hamas “ I am an information junkie, I read as much as I can from all perspectives to try to find the truth. I am in the minority and up until yesterday I hadn’t seen the true photo of Ziggy Marley. Our world is becoming a scary place right now. People all over the world are calling for the death of all Jews and we are still being victimized. What is happening? How did we get here again? There are 14 million Jews in the entire world and 1.5 billion Muslims. Israel is smaller than Quebec, yet we never hear about anything else. Why is that?

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Quebec is 1.5 million square kilometers, Israel is 22,000 square kilometers, so you are right in your statement. Anti-semitism is alive and well in Canada and far too deeply entrenched in our national psyche. The good people of Quebec seem to be the most anti-semitic, but they have a lot of competition from the Rest of Canada these days. Thanks for another informative column Terry.

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Thank you for your insights. Understanding the issue is something we all should take the time to do. In the mean time I’m sickened by the parades and justifications celebrating the mass murder of Israeli citizens. This is not and cannot ever be accepted as ok. Scenes of demonstrators outside Jewish owned businesses, daycare/schools and our police just idly stand by. I hope and pray that the “silent majority” becomes more vocal in objecting these scenes. Peacefully demonstrating is a right here in Canada - and I support those that do. But what we are seeing is the outright calls for murder and terror being allowed to happen without any recourse.

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There are legitimate demonstrations and then there are disguised facades that simply mask vile anti-Semitism.

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BUT, if you silently pray outside an abortion clinic, you could end up spending the rest of your life in a Canadian jail.

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I remember the execution of Daniel Pearl and James Foley, the burning alive of the Jordanian pilot who was shot down in ISIS territory, the Ambassador of Libya who whose body was dragged through the streets of Benghazi after the Sept 11 attack there. Now this horrific treatments of Israelis and other citizens by Hamas. It boggles the mind that anyone in the West could support them. Still they do.

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My education continues to be informed by Terry’s exemplary work for which I herald repeatedly to all I know and my Twitter followers.

I continue to be deeply disillusioned by the lack of political leadership federally and provincially on shutting down the pro Palestinian(Hamas) protests or enforcement of Criminal Code 319(1) in my own city Toronto (Chow/Ford?) and across Canada (Trudeau/LeBlanc??). Ignoring the increasingly aggressive rhetoric and incitement to violence is at their abd Canada’s peril. For reference

note:Public incitement of hatred

319 (1) Every one who, by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or

(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Marginal note:Wilful promotion of hatred

(2) Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or

(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Marginal note:Wilful promotion of antisemitism

(2.1) Everyone who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes antisemitism by condoning, denying or downplaying the Holocaust

(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or

(b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

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British cops have also been quite useless, despite some of the leaders of the massive marches that took place in London are known to have either had direct contact with Hamas or openly stated support for them, despite Hamas being a proscribed terrorist organization for years. I fully expect the same is true of some of the march leaders here in Canada, where Hamas is also proscribed.

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Hi Lynne. My old friend Nick Cohen is inconsolable. He's such a good guy, a great journalist, and an all-round proper lad.


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Yes, I subscribe to Nick's Substack as well as yours. Obviously, I am a supporter of great journalism.

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Ah, but if you misgender or deadname someone online, the bobbies will be knocking at your door pronto. How can anyone have any respect for any government institution anymore?

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And YET, and yet, this is where it begins: for example a long line of truckers drive across Canada to legally protest COVID mandates, creating a large and noisy crowd that eventually and understandably upset many if not all in the city of Ottawa? Truckers lost their trucks, had their bank accounts frozen, were jailed and now some face trials ending in prison sentences.... BUT WE CAN'T step in to remove outrageously offensive displays screaming approval and support of Hamas atrocities gleefully inflicted on innocent people of all ages (babies!!! and older!) in Israel?? This is EVIL welcomed and given full rein to infect as deeply as it wishes.

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Normally, I have a huge amount of respect for any MP brave enough to go against official party stance, but holy crap, this is the issue they choose? This is the only thing in the past eight years of this government that they feel they have to take a stand on? I realize that Lightbound and Erskine-Smith have voted against their party before, but with this letter, they've bounced themselves back into the useless idiot, overall moron, and anti-semite category. I hope all signatories get voted out.

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Unfortunately the link Terry supplied to the list of 33 MPs is no longer working. Erskine-Smith is currently hoping to become the next leader of the Ontario Liberal Party, and, as far as I am aware, trailing Bonnie Crombie pretty badly.

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Thanks. I tried twice earlier and got a "page not found" message. I haven't looked at the actual statement, but got the impression from a soundbite aired on CBSC radio that the statement also called for the release of the hostages. I.hate the thought of a ground invasion as they are so dangerous for the IDF and for the hostages. I am not keen on imposing more suffering on Palestinian civilians, but previous short wars ending in ceasefires are how we ended up with the massacre on October 7th. Hamas, on the other hand, or its leaders and their patrons don't care about what Gazans may suffer. If anything they see it as a recruiting tool.

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This link worked. Thank you! We need these people out of our government and Im not sure we will make it to 2025 election

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Yes, neither links were working. I'd be really curious to know who the 33 MPs were and see the statement thy signed.

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That's very odd. I'll see if I can find the letter & the signatories elsewhere.

Okay try this. Go to web version: https://therealstory.substack.com/p/this-is-war-whose-side-is-canada

And you'll find it at the very bottom.

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I think it's the redirect from substack that's the problem - not sure why. The links you have posted in the comments section are working, so thanks.

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Great. Got it. Thanks. Quite an interesting list, indeed.

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I’m 64 and for the first time in my life I am afraid. This has nothing to do with Israel, Gaza or the West Bank, it’s about all of us, we are the targets. It makes no difference if you are progressive, anti Zionism and every other cause you can think of to support. You are still a Jew and nothing will change that. A righteous woman was murdered in Detroit. Did you know that she formed/advocated a Muslim Jewish group? Did her murderer ask her before killing her what her beliefs are? Wake up, it’s back and terrifying.

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You are sadly correct. We have the rabid hatred of Jews in the Arab world, but that is not the whole story. Antisemitism in the west never really went away after World War II, it just lay dormant for a while. Now, we have currency devaluation from uncontrolled printing of money, hyper-inflation of food prices, unaffordable housing, etc. It is the 1930s all over again. The Liberal-NDP government does not want to take the blame for causing this mess with bad policies, so, time to blame the traditional scapegoats, the Jews.

It has always been thus. In ancient Athens, for example, a man and a woman who were considered ugly were selected as scapegoats (pharmakoi) each year. At the festival of the Thargelia in May or June, they were led round the town, beaten with green twigs, and driven out or killed with stones.

The 5th-century Athenian practice of ostracism has been described as a rationalized and democratic form of the custom. The biblical practice of driving the scapegoat from the community, described in Leviticus 16, gave a name to this widespread custom, which was said by the French intellectual René Girard to explain the basis of all human societies.

You would think human society would have grown out of this behaviour by now, but apparently not.

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I wonder if Trudeau is an even more dangerous character, one that does not care about either Palestinians or Israelis? It’s starting to feel like all he’s looking for is anything that he can use to incite passionate feelings and make society go tribal. Really no different than how he manipulated the the population over the matter of vaccination. What if Trudeau’s goal is to simply destroy Canada? Certainly easier to enact wholesale changes to society when we no longer care about the old one. Take Trudeau at his word on his goal for Canada to lead the way in the post national state era. Seems to me that he’s more interested in Canada’s (ie his) role in global organizations than in Canada itself. He’s doing his best to bankrupt the country so that there is no chance at recovering. I think the chapter of how we have known Canada to be is closing, something else will come out of the restructuring. When Russia went broke the old Russia was gone and the era of the oligarchs entered, I wonder who will be holding the spoils of Canada after the implosion?

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I wholeheartedly agree. I believe Justin Trudeau is trying to destroy our country.

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Three years ago I would have said that is a preposterous statement. Now, I'm not so convinced.

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He has been destroying our country for 8 years. And with the medias help I can't see a way out. He still has another 2 years and lets hope we still have our country. Trudeau cares only for himself and for the life of me I don't understand the people who still follow him

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Just based on his dad I said election night Canada will regret this decision. I was sharing articles about Venezuela with friends and family less than two years in and saying we are following the same steps they went through. People would tell me to stop being so dramatic.

Hopefully the current polling is correct. But even if it is, turning the country around might not be possible. It was like having to accept in the 80’s that the country couldn’t avoid implementing the GST, the govt of the day resigned themselves to a massive defeat for the benefit of the country. Chretien even though he campaigned on getting rid of the hated tax, I’m sure knew he wasn’t going to touch it. If citizen sacrifice for many years like we did after the first Trudeau we may be able to build back a healthy balance sheet.

Polling site:


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Hopefully it can be saved. At least for our kids and grandchildren. He still has 2 years left to completely destroy us. I would love to go back to the 80s right now!

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An interesting and scary thing, too, is that his focus on destroying ‘Canadian’ culture is really an attack on the Anglophone part of it; not the French one. No, the latter is precious and needs to be preserved at all costs. I say this as someone with great respect for French (continental and Quebecois) culture, a degree in the French language and extensive readings in same. There seem to be no end to the appetite for social experimentation upon the culture of “les Anglos”in Quebecois pure laine circles. Maybe revenge for the Plains of Abraham, at last - who knows?

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I know folks who knew him growing up, as well as a former girlfriend. Believe me, he’s as bad as you think. When he’s gone and the MSM are no longer paid by his govt (directly or indirectly), the stories of his narcissism and dissolution will be legion.

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I grew up with the girl on the right side of the famous picture of when he was dressed up as black face at West Point Grey Academy where he is standing behind the one girl with his arms wrapped around her. That girl was one of the teachers by the way, most people assume she was one of the students - does that make it not as bad? The girls were lining up for a picture and he photo bombed them. Nothing has changed, he just couldn’t stand not it not being all about him. Imagine this is the guy a nation picks to be the leader and represent us internationally.

Notice how we have so many non impressive people in positions of authority: Trudeau, dr Tamm, Bonnie Henry, Tedros, etc. if we had people that command your respect they would not have allowed public health to be taken over by whoever is calling the shots.

Have a look into how much the narrative was being built in 2018-2020 that our climate change problems were leaving us open to increased risk from zoonotic spillovers. Including articles written by Fauci on the matter. Perhaps a lot more was at stake from the lab leak being exposed than just finding out they were doing gain of function work. If everyone understood the virus was man made the whole problem of being at increases risk from pandemics because of climate change would be out the window.

But apparently we have another one coming according to gates, most likely in 2025. That should be perfect timing with the proposed WHO changes to the international health regulation and the new international pandemic treaty they are working on.

It’s like it is turning into a Spector sport watching what these clowns will do next.

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Thanks Terry. Complex relationships to which your experience and intelligence bring much greater clarity. I’m grateful to be a subscriber.

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Thanks Michael!

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Just auto renewed Mr. Glavin,

As cliched as it is, we need more reporters like you. As long as you have the fight in you to keep writing, I'll keep supporting. Keep up the great work.

Aside my two cents about free vs. paid articles (if you care). If say even 100% of your articles are free, I don't care. What I find more important is a weekly-ish cadence of articles. Your reach and motivation to write is more important to me.

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If 100 percent of these newsletters were free, I couldn't afford to do it. I refuse to work fulltime for the Post or the Citizen, much as they've always had my back and treat me well. I cherish my independence. I'd really, really like to publish on a fixed schedule. It would make my work-sleep patterns function properly, I'd have plenty of downtime for trout fishing and riding by Triumph and my life would be more manageable. But that's not how the news works, unfortunately!

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Terry, I promise to keep you in daily prayers for protection, along with continued courage as well as strength, both needed to support your valiant and greatly appreciated efforts.

Thank you. Pax et Bonum 🙏

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Thank you.

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I am thinking some of my left-leaning friends will be getting a paid subscription to The Real Story for their Christmas presents. One can live in a confirmation bias bubble for only so long. To avoid this myself, I still subscribe to the New York Times, where articles often annoy the crap out of me, but I want to see what the enlightened left is thinking. I must say though, the NY Times has one saving grace which is the Cooking Section, which is excellent.

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I read wapo and NYT (paid by work) from times just to hear other points of view.

In this era it's more important to curate your news sources, support good reporting, understand yours and publishers biases. It's the only way forward to a better future.

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I saw a video clip on twitter showing that Trudeau was not well received at a mosque today. Playing both sides against the other may be catching up with him. Same with his stirring the pot in India. Why everyone couldn't see years ago how phony Trudeau is on every issue - "Thanks for your donation!" - is beyond me. Canadians are brainwashed.

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I saw that vid too, just after I wrote this. He has been trying to play various demographics and constituencies and identity fragments off against one another, and this time around, it's catastrophic. Sometimes you just have to pick a side.

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Thanks, Terry. I will share this with many.

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Hard news, hard to swallow, but we must endure the gut ache it gives us and acknowledge this is the sobering and sickening truth of the matter.

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Terry thanks for this. I am in my 70th year and find this depressing and sad. I am familiar with the holocaust as a couple of my school friends mother was sent to Auschwitz as a young girl. Their mother spoke to my parents and one of my parents friend who had been in the Canadian Airforce. My father allowed me to stay in the room and listen to her story, she showed us the numbers on her arm. My father was too young to join the service, that always disappointed him. He compensated by reading and researching the holocaust and shared his information with me. I do not recall this history being taught in school. We Canadians have never experienced the devastation that the European countries have so I don’t think my friends or other Canadians can relate. I just wish one politician would stand up and say Hamas intends to destroy the Jews and then they will pick their next target and it may be Canadians. Thanks again

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We learned a lot of history in elementary and high school back in the day. It seems not so much is taught in schools today. Perhaps schools could teach some history of WWI and WWII and the Holocaust which could replace the "men can have babies" stuff.

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I don't even think this generation knows about the Holocaust or some not even 911

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The image you provided of the Hamas off target missiles that have fallen short in Gaza was an eye opener ..

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It should no longer be news to honest journalists covering the conflict, or politicians wishing to advocate for Palestinian rights, that 25% of the missiles fired by the armed groups fall short of the border, often killing Palestinians. I think that AP has finally taken the lesson of 2014 or was it the second time, a few years later, when they rediscovered that their offices in Gaza were in a building that also housed Hamasniks.

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Hitting the “like” button seems very wrong here. An “appreciate” button would be more apt. No amount of hand-wringing is going to change anything, and it’s terrible to feel that that’s pretty much all one can do. But perhaps knowing what’s going on at least gives one a basis for talking about the subject. So once again, thank-you Terry.

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Thanks back, Joanna.

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Thanks for this Terry.

Amid a sea of conflicting articles, outright lies and propaganda, yours is the most succinct and pointed summary I have read to date.

Your writing conveys almost a desperate pleading for people to finally recognize and act upon an imminent threat to all western countries. It certainly does feel that we are reaching a tipping point. Rational, critical thinking would lead you to that conclusion but I'm beginning to have a visceral sense of dread.

To paraphrase Hemingway, gradually almost always ends suddenly.

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Thanks for that,Tim.

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