Ask the average Canadian to define Trudeau’s long held belief in Canada as a post nation state and I believe the majority will look at you like a secular deer in the headlights. That, I believe, is a huge problem. I believe if average Canadians became more aware of where we are actually headed, if everyone collectively could read Terry’s current article then there might really be an awakening to much of what ails us as a nation. We might regain an actual identity and even find a definition of Islamophobia we could all agree on!

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Hahaha. Forget the average Canadian, ask Trudeau to define it without resorting to bafflegab.

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Tarek Fatah, founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress, said the following:

“The Islamists in Canada are using classic Muslim Brotherhood tactics to establish themselves as the primary victims of racism and what they refer to as ‘Islamophobia’. Canada’s politicians will not stand up to them but instead submit to the whims of the Islamic theocracy.”

I think he nailed it

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Because to be the opposite of Islamaphobic is to be Islamaphilic. That is one must submit to the will of Allah. Praise be.

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All Trudeau initiatives emphasizing, inclusion, gender equality, racism etc. ad nauseam are design to divert our attention from his total disregard for the rule of law, total ignorance how economy of a prosperous country should be nursed and energized, disregard of tradition and customers that had served us well; the more we get preoccupied with his distractive tendencies the less we focus on issues that affect our daily lives, such as decreasing average real wages, increasing cost of living, weakening of productivity, decreasing competence of the public services overwhelmed by his waistfull style. Once TRUDEAU AND HIS INEFFECTIVE AND INCOMPETENT MINISTERS are kicked out of the office, Canada will restore its sanity and its prosperity, but only if we concentrate on the real issue relating to our jobs, cost of living, the quality of education, health care and the likes. Until this Canada soul distractive bunch of incompetent politicians are out of power, our economy and out true values will continue to be undermined.

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Excellent read. Canada has so many issues created by Trudeau and his government I wonder if it will survive as a federation. He doesn't seem to care and as you say he is deliberately putting the country on the path to post national state.

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Terry, I think it would be helpful if we would have some Canadian Muslims specific polling on their attitudes the Elghawaby appointment. Kaveh has been good in highlighting the issue within the Iranian Canadian community, which I also get from my wife's friends, and I am sure there are similar views among some in other Canadian Muslim communities, as you correctly highlight. Some good columns in the Star by Hébert and Raj.

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It would be an interesting exercise, even if this is sadly turning into an Amira Popularity Contest. It would also be interesting to know something of Muslim-Canadian opinion about the horrible hate preachers and antisemites the MAC and the NCCM have hosted at their various events. My case is that we should all hold one another to the same standards, no matter our race or religions. Ottawa seems to have abandoned the very idea of a common and inclusive civic nationalism and replacing it with the shame-patrolling of a galaxy of official "communities." His auld man used to worry about Canada becoming a Confederation of Shopping Malls. Might be well worth worrying about that all over again.

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OOP. I just posted a very long comment on here regarding that.

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Storming essay...great stuff. Should be front page on every publication in the land.

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When we lived in Toronto years ago my neighbours invited me to their family gatherings (Bris) and Seders(sp?). Non Jews and Jews sharing and dancing. When I went to the middle East a local Muslim woman made my abaya beautifully and we shared a smile and laughter. The problem isn't the 'way it was' and should be..the problem is the Trudeau Liberals and their stubborn assertion we hate each other.

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It not the assertion but the active dividing of Canadians through his speech, proposed laws and appointments.

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You are right Susan. Our government at all levels take examples of just a few assholes on both sides and blow the situation way out of proportion.

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I had no idea the media was waging a campaign to perpetuate harms against the *checks notes, squints* Black Francophone Edmontonian community. Excellent use of tax dollars.

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I believe it is the left-handed Black Francophone Edmonton community, that is being targeted by the media. But yes, an excellent use of tax dollars that would just be wasted on things like health care.

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They are and she's pissed! She didn't come all the way from Haiti for this weather!

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Terry, like so many of your excellent articles all I can respond to is ARG!!!! When I first heard about this new position all I could think of is what kind of hornets nest are we creating on a $ million budget? What good and/or not so good will come of it?

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a “post-national state” with “no core identity” and “no mainstream,” - um dude that’s very much aligned with pan Islamism ... this was a great read, I’m going to read it again.

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Oh so radical-chic. When will "mau-mauing the flak catchers" begin?

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Somewhat obscure Tom Wolfe reference, but very appropriate in Trudeau's Canada, where people are divided into grievance-based identity "communities", and encouraged to lament their victimhood, usually on the CBC, and then receive large sums of taxpayer's money. All part of the Liberal Party strategy to maintain political power.

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It has taken me a while to get a coherent response to this because I am seriously enraged that this is the kind of person, these are the kind of people who pretend to represent Muslims in Canada - except that they don't. They represent maybe (and I am being super generous here) 10% of us. They don't represent anyone who doesn't think lockstep with them. In fact, if you speak to a number of us (though I guess I hit the atheist button years ago), we despise these people with their fake piety, their perpetual whining about victimhood and their total and complete lack of understanding about even their own co-religionists who are not outwardly conforming.

There is a very real problem in Muslim communities of ignoring the concerns of those who are not outwardly, slavishly conforming to whatever the Imam of the day says. I would say that all of these organizations certainly don't listen to us, they don't know our concerns and they certainly don't know our experiences. I pass for a non-minority. I am easily mistaken all the time for a Caucasian - at least until people remember my name - and the things I hear are pretty appalling. When it comes to Islamaphobia, the left is performative virtue signalling but actually really doesn't like Muslims. At least the far right is honest about it. Even with all of that information, I still say Canada does NOT have an Islamophobia problem specifically. It has a problem with a small minority of people who aren't fans of anything different than they are.

Trudeau and his ilk think they can buy our votes with this bull virtue signaling move but frankly I am more alarmed at a PM who buys into something like this so easily without actually speaking to a cross-section of Muslims. We aren't a homogenous voting block. We don't all have secret Muslim psychic powers to tell each other how to vote. This is more than ridiculous, it is insulting and patronizing.

Sorry for the long rant but I have been stewing about this hideous appointment for a bit.

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Valid points. Another series of questions I would like asked are the attitudes between various groups, as most of polling and commentary tends to focus on the contrast between visible and religious minorities and the majority, whereas from an integration point perspective, we should be concerned with the intergroup dynamics.

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