I don’t think Trudeau or David Johnston takes this seriously. And judging from their response, most of the press doesn’t either. Terry tells us that CBC doesn’t even have a China guy. That’s why we see all this silliness. I keep saying on here, I don’t think we’re serious people. China figured that out some time ago.

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Not only not "serious", there is considerable doubt we are even "a people" as ever since the concept of "retail politics" began applying tested targeted marketing strategies, we are seen as merely a collection of smaller and smaller entities, profiled by ethnic, racial, and god knows what algorithmic slicing and dicing, with our harvested activities providing the keys to controlling our support.

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Trudeau and Johnston take this very seriously and that’s why they do everything, no matter how bad it looks, to suppress, distract, camouflage the issue. They are a part of the UFW, and they knew it.

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Maybe I should say they don’t take us seriously.

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All three of you are correct. Unfortunately…

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Terry glad you are there...quite honestly I find all of this a little overwhelming and I already had developed a high level of suspicion.

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Let's face it. These liberals are to be ranked as Quislings even allowing foreign police stations. Shocking.

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The Chinese elephant has been clearly visible since Red Guard supporters paraded around Vancouver in their red star caps, waving Mao's Little Red Book. The Russian bear has been here since the 1920s leaving scratch marks throughout our institutions, but went home to change clothes in 1989.

I am puzzled that no one seems to recognize the donkey from below the border even when it advertises its success in crippling its neighbors economy.

Michael Marx (no really!) San Francisco based CorpEthics was contracted by a Rockefeller Foundation to develop a comprehensive strategy to "landlock Canadian oil" and "prevent it from receiving world prices". The complex 2008 plan has succeeded so well in funneling money from American oligarchs through the Tides and New Ventures directed funding "anonymizers", that Marx claimed credit not only for stopping Keystone XL's and preventing the completion of all Canadian pipelines but also for "unseating the Conservative government both in Alberta and nationally" in reviews of Corp Ethics projects used as case studies for promoting to their wide range of NGO clients.

Talk "about hidden in plain sight!"

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Thanks, Terry.

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