When people show you who they are, believe them. Pro tip - they're not just awful people because of the blatant anti-Semitism. They're just awful people.

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There is a caveat in there (I hope) My children are in/have gone through the current school system and are, like many their ages, into social media. The doctrine of the day is to cheer for the "oppressed". My eldest was all over me when I said we need police and lets wait to call George Floyd a hero till we get to the truth/full story. She is slowly coming around but it took some life experience and being on her own. Only now after 3 yrs of uni does she start to question a few things. My youngest gets upset when I tell her boys cant be girls. That must mean I am full of hate! So caution when making that statement...

Now if a 45 year old politician says these things? Full on agree

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I must agree ... too often the phrase, 'they don't really mean what they're saying' excuses murder.

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Selena Robinson has a spine, Premier Eby not so much.

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Kinda. Didn’t like her initial response. Look where it got her. She should’ve known that nothing short of her absolute negation would satisfy these howling banshees.

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Just shameful the lack of moral fibre displayed by the BC premier and his acolytes. I support Mr Glavin and Ms Robinson. God help you all

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Remember Eby's initial statement post Oct 7 was a caution against anti-Muslim sentiment. The blowback was strong and immediate. His follow-up was to blame his staff.

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What's even more revealing, in my opinion, is that on Holocaust Memorial Day, someone in his staff put out a tweet that didn't mention antisemitism but did mention "islamophobia." Eby pulled it down quickly, but it revealed the mindset floating around in the premier's office quite accurately, as the Selina Robinson affair proves.

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And he blamed a staffer. Irresponsible as Trudeau.

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And didn't name the staffer or, as far as aI know, make any changes in staffing as a result.

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I don’t believe we heard another world about it. Perhaps the staffer was instructed to reflect on how to be more stealthy.

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If you ask yourself the question, if a coalition of Arab nations overran Israel right now and started killing everyone from the river to the sea, would Canada accept Israeli refugees? Forget for a moment how unlikely this scenario is (or is it?) I honestly can't answer that question with any confidence. Not with this government. "Never forget". But people always do.

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My fear is the Liberal Canada of today would adopt the same stance the Liberal Canada of the 1940s had - none is too many.

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Not so far-fetched a notion. Sometime during the Plague Lockdowns, opinion-journalist Barbara Kay pointed her readers to Hesh Ketsin’s book “The Siege of Tel Aviv” that factionalized just this scenario in the near future. It’s a well-paced rivetting read, and suddenly even less far-fetched than one should think. Highly recommended. It wouldn’t be other-worldly for the Arab block to be incentivized by the surge in anti-Semitic public opinion to go for “3rd time lucky” (after their previous failures in 1948 and 1973 to enact a “final solution” to the naqba).

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Terry, on a human level I'm sorry for what happened to Selena. But as a former (very very former) NDP supporter, who recognized their anti Israel, anti-Semitism long long ago, I believe if you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

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I don't know what else to do to get this message out, so I shared this article on my Facebook (Meta) timeline with an audience setting of "Public" and the following post at the beginning [ If Trudeau's "Online Harms Bill" passes, this will be one of a few of my utterances that sends me to jail]:

"THIS IS A MUST READ !!! The BC NDP Eby government (as well as the Federal Liberal Trudeau government) is a disgrace! The Premier allowed a mob of people supporting terrorism to shout down decency. The treatment of Selina Robinson is disgusting, shabby and disgraceful as is the treatment of Jews in Canada and around the world. THIS is what Canada has become under the anti-Semitic sneak of weasels running the place. Thank you, Terry Glavin, at The Real Story on Substack.

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“Sneak of Weasels”. A better description does not exist.

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Bravo Terry. As usual you have hammered the points that should be ringing through national and provincial halls of journalism but where the silence is deafening. Where would we be without courageous guys like you. The wilful blindness and cowardice being demonstrated by media and politicians is appalling and deeply disturbing. Thanks for laying it bare and exposing the frailties currently undermining our democracy.


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Wow, Thanks!!

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It's true!

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It started with the demonization of men, then whites, then heterosexuals etc.

Little was done to by those in power, the authorities, media etc. to counter-act that hatred.

They were part of the 'colonizers/settlers/oppressors' according to the 'woke' DEI/CRT ideology, and were to blame for much of the ills of the world.

The 'oppressed' had the right to say and do anything they wanted against the 'oppressor' groups.

Now Jews/Israel have become part of the 'oppressor' group and therefore they can do nothing right.

They are the blame for all the problems of the Palestinians/Gaza.

The Hamas murders, rapes, kidnappings are forgotten and ignored because they are part of the 'oppressed' group.

Only when people stand up to the lynch mob and demand that people be judged by merit and merit alone, as individuals not as members of a group, will this madness be stopped.

Otherwise it will continue, swallowing up more and more victims.

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This broke my heart too. I can't see a path back from what Oct. 7 unleashed. We need you, Terry, to keep us informed. I believe practically nothing else that I read about Hamas/Israel/Jews/Muslims right now.

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The undercurrent of anti Semitism that runs throughout the BC and federal NDP is laid bare for all to see. Hopefully the next election will see this party decimated. Terry Glavin is one of a few honest journalists left whose opinion I value greatly.

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The rot runs deep. Shameful. Thank you for this article Terry. It is a challenge to think what must be done to correct this horror of antisemitism that is and has been happening for far too long.

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If it were not for Hamas scewing over the Gazans, there is no reason Gaza could not be on its way to being another Dubai or Qatar. They have natural gas resources, they are located in a great spot between Europe and Asia. But Hamas, and their enablers UNRWA, only seem to want to use the people of Gaza to a tool to stoke anti-semitism.

Israel created the context for a viable Gazan state and Hamas has taken a giant turd on the people.

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Anyone on the left going along with CRT and not speaking up shouldn't be surprised but any of what has happened since Oct 7th. Anyone who speaks of decolonization. Anyone who speaks of white privilege. Anyone whose worldview is of cultural relavtism.

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Agreed. The language of CRT/decolonization/settlers/DEI/etc really is the language of violence, retribution, war. I take them seriously and am fully prepared for what’s in store should our society not regain its adult sensibilities and self-correct. This must stop, and soon. The Jews are in the Mob’s immediate crosshairs now, but whites, men (straight but soon gay, too), and the whole list of intersectional ‘oppressors’ are next.

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Thanks Terry..

BC’s leadership has lost its mind.. and it’s way..

It like a social exercise or experiment; take health, safe injection, drugs, container homes dropped into communities.

But your story describes is the willingness of us to ignore the truth, that water doesn’t freeze at 0 degrees Centigrade and the Holocaust and anti-Semitism are unproven.

The NDP will be boiling water and running their own tests for months to distance themselves from themselves.. I agree with Kelly below …they are just mostly awful people..

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People love dead Jews. The living. Not so much

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I don't think we can even claim that, given the alternating outright denials of atrocities committed on October 7th, or the "dispensation" given to Hamas and PIJ to commit war crimes because "resistance". No, the state of antisemitism is so rank, so rife these days, that it's as though Dara Horn's book should have been titled "People love dead Jews, just not ones who die in Israel or at the hands of 'resistance movements'"

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Socialists as "Progressives" need to, well, "progress" which means keep moving like sharks to keep oxygenated and an aiming target is required. It doesn't matter that Jews were the backbone of socialist movements in the past, in the two dimensional, us and them, class warfare worldview, they are a target of opportunity, illuminated by superbly produced propaganda from masters of the art.

That the ground has been well prepared as the suspension of senior BBC employee Dawn Queva whose viciously racist Facebook posts recently surfaced in The Telegraph shows. Her views that white people have disturbed the natural order of the planet, and that they are a "barbaric bloodthirsty rapacious murderous genocidal thieving parasitical deviant breed" and that the perpetrators of the "Holohoax" are “a bunch of subcontinental European melanin recessive CaucAsian japhetic AshkeNazi who have no None zero zilch blood connection to the land of Palestine or Israel historically.” have been circulating inside the BBC for a decade without internal challenge, sheds light on the peculiar bias of the BBC in substituting "militant" for self proclaimed "terrorists" and the relentlessly sceptical spin put on any Israeli government statement. BBC management's weasel reaction, “we do not tolerate anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, or any form of abuse" with the required "balance" presumably mandated by their "reputational enhancement" consultants. Our emaciated MSM follow on behind a former icon.

This was the template for the BC NDP with an additional twist to the knife by Eby implying that Selina is possibly an unhinged woman, "Clearly, she is hurting and carrying a lot of pain” following his commending her "advocacy for the Jewish community”... but not as Minister of Higher Education. "These people"!

The NDP should perhaps fear the same fate as British Labour's meltdown over overt anti-semitism which split the party and judge how skilful they are in juggling our identity politics Tito style. Whether this can be done without an authoritarian single party government on a society constantly fragmenting further and further with more "Diversity" as the goal, will be interesting.


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Vaughn Palmer (one of the Curious Few) adds much more detail to my speculation in the Vancouver Sun today. The contrast between Eby's immediate (aka "what people REALLY think) comments and after consulting with the behind the scenes image projection crew, are the major reason for our accelerating political dysfunction in my opinion.


Cynicism is generated when responsibility is always deflected to "the system" or to an opposition party years out of power, instant replies to interview questions appear reflexively, without any apparent thought...or in the case of Trudeau, often without any relation to the question at all.

We sense that we are being manipulated and the constant diet of "news-like morsels" as one custom media generation service called it, blurs our memory of the past, even yesterday, let alone a year ago. The need to package information like, "meals, ready to eat" removes all complexity and flavour.

Treating Vancouver's rapidly growing Muslim community as a single voting bloc, ignores a unique ethnic and ideological diversity, the largest group, Iranians (probably prefer being called Persians) not sharing much in common with Pakistanis promoting Sharia. Douglas Todd pointed out in 2011 that India, East Africa, Fiji, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Egypt, Iraq, Kosovo, Serbia, Sri Lanka, the U.S., Indonesia, Britain as well as Canada, were sources for three distinct branches, Sunni, Shiite and Ismaili, so the Global News clip of a male, clean shaven, business suited leader of one of Vancouver's 53 mosques as a representative of all "Muslim opinion" was grotesquely misleading, especially in its current political importance.


Encouraging tolerance and diversity within different ethnic groups may be counter-intuitive to political self interest and convenience, but seem critical to avoiding a society fragmenting into continuous tribal conflict, the proverbial "house which can not stand".

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