Apr 21Liked by Terry Glavin

From Peter Pomerantzev's piece in Time that Terry has kindly drawn our attention to:

"What this persecution highlights is that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is more than just the latest iteration of the Kremlin’s centuries old attempt to crush Ukraine’s freedom. It is also part of the Kremlin’s larger war against America. By hurting those who practice an “American” religion the Kremlin can claim it is striking against American power—while picking on the powerless."

Putin's "press secretary" Dmitri Peskov was quoted today on CBC Radio News as responding to the US aid package to Ukraine's war effort as a case of "colonialism". The Russian government, which claimed a "legitimate interest" in its warm water port in Tartous, Syria, and thus justifying its commission of war crimes against the Syrian opposition -- is truly without shame.

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Apr 22Liked by Terry Glavin

I have stated since early October that the Middle East will settle down when the uranium enrichment facilities in Natanz, Iran are bombed into oblivion. That would be enough to emotionally cripple the IRGC and the Mullahs and just maybe give the people of Iran the leverage they need to take back their country.

It’s Passover. May the leaders of Iran and its terrorist proxies face 10 plagues.

Am Yisrael Chai!

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In 2011 when the al-Qassam Brigades splurged on a laser guided Kornet anti-tank missile to hit a school bus, there was weeping and wailing that as the bus was at the end of the route, only a single kid was left. He lingered a few days with shrapnel in his brain at the Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba.

A dozen years later, 300 missiles are launched with just one Bedouin girl now in the Soroka Medical Center with shrapnel in her brain. And Israel is urged to avoid "disproportionate" responses.

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While it's certain the majority of participants in the "pro-Palestine" demonstrations disrupting Canadian past-times like afternoon commutes and photos with mall Santas are genuinely concerned by the horrific and continuing loss of life in the region, it becomes more and more obvious that - whether they know it or not - they're carrying water for a highly-sophisticated propaganda arm of an organization avowed to the genocide of every Jew, everywhere.

Each day it becomes more clear that there's not much grey area left. This isn't a case of "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter". Hamas/Iran, the Russian government, and Beijing are enemies of all things decent, and antithetical to the fundamentals of civilization. Tehran and Mosco are the ones exposing their critics and dissidents to death by gravity, poison-tipped umbrellas and whatever else Ian Fleming could only imagine. And the irony of so-called progressives in this country - many of whom would identify as feminist or gay, would rush to defend a terror-state which would blissfully put them to death jut for being themselves is simply baffling. Our very civilization is at stake here.

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Apr 25Liked by Terry Glavin

Hi Terry,FYI impromptu mini rally for Israel this Saturday, 2 pm, rear of Legislature, at fountain, while pro Palestine crowd rallies on rear steps

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"$9.5 billion from the Israel portion will go to humanitarian aid, mostly in Gaza. A good thing."

Only if Hamas and its affiliates like UNRWA dont get their claws on it.

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Once again Canada fails to take leadership on the global stage. The country could easily afford to give Ukraine $10 billion a year for the next decade.

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