The decisions of the Trudeau govt have been so bad and so many, it’s hard to believe at this point that the job he was sent to do was anything other than to leave the country in turmoil and beyond repair - the country is broken, the citizens are polarized and demoralized. It feels as though it was deliberate, you can’t make that many mistakes by mistake.

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Never blame on evil what can be explained by incompetence. I think Trudeau is just incompetent to such an extreme and elected at a time period when someone with skill (and a bit of luck) was needed. Sadly Canada has suffered for his foolishness and unwillingness to step aside.

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To oversee so much catastrophe and yet refuse to course-correct - indeed, to double down on the errors that got us to this point - is indeed evil. It is beyond callous.

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Trudeau and his entire sneak of weasels are malevolent. Their behaviour and their covering up of corruption and unethical behaviour is not mere incompetence.

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His feasting off of his connections for free vacations, his appointing friends to cover for his self-serving ways, everything the guy does reeks of corruption.

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I like that. A sneak of weasels. That describes how this particular PM and his gang have governed.

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Trudeau is a WEFer. This evil has been entirely intended.

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I hope you’re right, that would be the best case scenario

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Trudeau is a puppet of people far smarter, and more evil, than him. It's their plan that is being executed, to the eternal detriment of Canada. While Trudope himself is not smart enough to come up with the strategy, he is delighted to be along for the ride. His communist roots go deep in the family tree.

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Agreed. I think the main goal of the Laurentian mafia was to loot the Canadian treasury and steal taxpayer's money. Covid was a convenient excuse for them to shovel our money into their own pockets. The ArriveScam app is just the tip of the iceberg. Billions have been stolen, and we will never get that money back.

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Manchurian Candi-dumb-date?

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Just brilliant analysis by Shuv. Thanks for bringing it to us. I look forward to seeing him with an important role in a Conservative government in the near future.

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SORRY FOR THE TYPOS, and also an obviously wrong number. FIXED now, in the web & app version.

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Western nations' blind dedication to net zero directly contributed to Europe's dependence on Russian energy. This was a stupid choice, but a choice. Germany was never forced to shut down their energy sector, it was a choice. Canada didn't need to refuse to provide LNG to Europe when asked. Again a choice. Western dedication to net zero has devastated our economies and left us at the mercy of China, Russia and Iran. Our leaders have stuffed their pockets while bankrupting our nations financially and socially. It is a travesty and an insult to those who built this nation and previously peaceful society.

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Don’t forget India in the group of big countries that don’t give a fig about net zero - and rightly, too. India desperately wants Alberta’s heavy crude, in part to meet increasing demand for energy and in part to reduce coal as a source of energy.

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Good point.

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Greetings from Sikkim.

It is probably true that nobody has a roadmap to fixing what ails Canada, but it should be blindingly obvious to everyone by now what direction we need to take. Collectivism always fails; we need to try freedom for a change. Individual economic freedom has not been in favour in Canada since the 1950s. It has taken us 60+ years to dig ourselves into the socialist nightmare we are in, and it will take 60+ years to dig ourselves out again.

Years ago I used to joke that the kids might not have good job prospects or the chance to own a home, but they have something infinitely more important: “social justice.” It’s not a joke anymore. The kids have to rebel against the dysfunctional political morality they have been fed and try something practical. That’s maybe why conservatism is gaining in popularity among the youngest voters. They are waking up to having been sold a bill of goods.

It’s the young women who need to wake up the most. The young women who are puzzled by why they are so unhappy. Jordan Peterson keeps reminding us that women experience negative emotions at significantly higher rates than men do in general; but when the whole of society is a dumpster fire, they will be feeling it most. If anyone can explain to me why young women are so unhappy yet continue to double down on stupid politics, I’d be interested to know.

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Sikkim seems to have more ideas and investment for Ukraine than canada. Biden and the eu can shovel their money into the dumpster fire of Afghanistan 2.0 if they wish. We have to fix canada before we pretend we can fix elsewhere. We have become a money laundering centre where blatant corruption runs rampant in nearly every institution. Cleaning it up will enrage all who profit from it. The education system is particularly corrupt. The worst should be starved of funding. They are obvious political propaganda forces in many cases. A church would lose its charitable status if it crossed certain lines. But state funded schools require political belief statements and discriminate openly against all races and viewpoints they dislike.

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This is more than vague angst. This is at the point where in my city grown and married offspring are living with parents because they can’t buy or even rent a place of their own. I’ve never seen it so bad and I’m 72. Trudeau is appalling and needs to go.

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This entry is particularly rich with material that Pierre Polievre could use effectively on the campaign trail - or before.

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Conservatives have to start fighting back on the energy file. It’s nonsense what Andrew Coyne and the rest of the bleating sheep in central canada say about conservative premiers having no alternative to the carbon tax. Danielle Smith makes a perfect case for selling as much ethical Alberta oil and LNG as possible: first because it displaces oil from evil regimes, and second because it reduces CO2 emissions from developing countries (and even Germany) that would otherwise be burning coal. “Oh, but Canada doesn’t get *credit* for emissions reductions by selling LNG to replace coal burning in other countries!” say the nincompoops. Who cares who “gets credit”?? If climate change is the existential threat to the planet the doomsters claim it is, it is insane to reject an emissions reduction plan just because Canada doesn’t get a ribbon from the UN for our assist.

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Thanks Terry,

I concur. I just hope Pierre P can smooth his approach because the message I’m getting is a lot of people are turned off by his persona and not receiving his message. Please keep passionate and writing. We need you!

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A lot of people don't like being told the truth, and prefer comforting lies from Trudeau.

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Too often Trudeau is guided by ideology and not reality.

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Poilievre will be elected on the wave of a massive revolt against the Trudeau Liberals. I've neither heard nor read his position on the WHO pandemic treaty due to be signed in May. You only have to read the media's hysterical reporting of the health crises supposedly driven by climate change or denial of gender affirming care to understand how broadly this treaty can be applied and the subsequent loss of Canadian sovereignty across a wide range of critical national issues. Poilievre has been vocal about his MPs not being WEF members. Meanwhile, the WHO treaty is being ushered in, protested only by Canadian citizens.

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Great article Terry. I'm with Shuv on this one he is brilliant...Pierre should take note. We need a goal to get back to normalcy...our Canada is being destroyed by the Trudeau Liberals. Whom benefits from all that has been done by the Liberal gov't using Climate Change as the vehicle to destroy the Canada we know and LOVE...the Laurentian Elite Oligarchs of the WORLD this has been done intentionally. They say MONEY makes the World Go Around...it also destroys!! Turning each other against each other! My thoughts only.

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Thank you, Terry and Shuv.

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Terry thanks for that. Jean Charest was/is a Conservative only in the same way Mulroney was: a shill for Big Business; specifically, Québecois Big Business. So in other words, in China’s back pocket, the ROC and its interests be damned. Feck him and a curse on Mulroney’s grave.

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I’m with you on the Charest part, but I’m not into cursing Mulroney’s grave just yet.

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Charest is just like Bob Ray in that they never seem to just go away, and keep popping up to suck up more taxpayer money. Kind of like two giant turds that just won't flush.

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I view Charest as a more devious sort.

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Yeah, maybe that was a little harsh. Can’t get the brown bags of money out of my head. Nor the fact that he invited so many Quebec gangsters and separatists into caucus and cabinet.

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I certainly don’t see him as the hero he’s been portrayed as since his death. Somehow, it seems he’s been elevated to near sainthood. Shakespeare’s Marc Antony’s words come to mind, but it seems the reverse is true in Mulroney’s case; although, I don’t see him as all the way to evil: “The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones.”

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Well, advancing free trade has practically saved what is left of the Canadian economy, so that good legacy lives on long after Mulroney departed. Does anyone still remember the hysteria on the left over free trade? Maude Barlow and friends, the unions, all the usual nutjobs.

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Mulroney made at least two very significant contributions to Canadian politics: free trade and scrapping the MST. (Does anyone remember the MST??) Where would Canada be today without free trade? He also sold off several crown corporations that were albatrosses around our neck. But he was definitely also part of the Laurentian elite who feather their own nest at others’ expense.

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With rare exceptions the only reason that international students come here to do one or two year certificates is to start on the pathway to getting PR. So eliminate that the number of international students will naturally fall.

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