Terry I truly fear for the Jewish population in Canada as our Liberal/NDP/Block Government carry the same sentiments as the terrorist organizations they continue to support. That is exactly what the Mayor of Toronto is doing as well, for the same reasons as the Trudeau regime. They follow the same twisted and harmful ideology of anti colonialism which is seeded in hatred, jealousy, and revenge. The motto of "anything is allowed if its deemed part of the resistance," can bring great danger to Canadian Jewish people and all Canadian's, as we too are deemed colonizers. Hence we are still witnessing the burning of our churches, as synogogues, jewish schools, businesses, and neighborhoods, are also being terrorized. Our Liberal/NDP Government finds this understandable. Little is done to protect the vulnerable as those who have been deemed marginalized (terrorists) are given free reign to create fear and loathing in our streets by this Government, police, and any who have the authority to put an end to it. Canada is at a presapeake and the reason we are more vulneralble is due to the Corporate Media's participation in the demonization of the Jewish people and of Canadian's (colonizers) to which only adds fuel to the fire. That and the "resistance" has full protection from the police and our sick Institutions. I am afraid for this country as Canadian's are not awake to what our situation truly is. We are under attack by our own Government and Institutions and we have many of our fellow Canadian's cheering it on due to the Corporate Medias continued promotion of terrorists over colonialism and deeming colonizers as oppressors. Marxist postmodern ideology pushed through our Universities who are infiltrated by communist China is what created this war from the inside out. We are in grave danger of being consumed whole by the worst of the worst and many Canadian's are cheering it on. Its frightening as the Government is the enemy of its own people and despises who and what they are, making us all vulnerable to horrifying actions like what they did with the Freedom Convoy. I mean how dare they stand up for freedom of choice for Canadian's in this new Post National State of hell under Trudeau. Many Canadian's still believe they are the bad guys and the Government and Institutions are working for Canadian's when nothing could be further from the truth.

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A young IDF soldier recently spoke about now being able to look his grandfather in the eye. That is, maintaining the legacy and doing his generations part in defending his country, culture and family. Contrast that with the insidious evil being perpetrated on our own youth. In their ignorance and ideology, condemning previous generations for contrived sins rather than appreciating their sacrifice and emulating their courage. Perhaps that is the ultimate goal. Create a cohort that will open the gate for the barbarians rather than manning the ramparts.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

How did we arrive at a place in time where the victims of 1800+ years of forced displacement, persecution, pressure to assimilate/convert under duress, discrimination, pogroms, real genocides and ethnic cleansing become the hated "settler-colonialists" and the probable descendants of waves of conquerors - with the Byzantine, assorted Arab Caliphates, Frankish Crusaders, Mamluks, Seljuks and Ottomans following the collapse of the Roman Empire, up to the British Mandate --become "indigenous" and entitled to "resist occupation" by means that would be considered war crimes and / or crimes against humanity?

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Oct 4Liked by Terry Glavin

Let me add to your Yiddish vocabulary, Terry.

“Kvell” is a word we use when we’re beaming with pride about something so in your article, you’re kvelling over Zoe.

Thank you for your steadfast support of the Jewish community.

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Thanks! So, like the opposite of kvetch?

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Great if somewhat distressing read. Why is it that in Canada no one in authority seems to do anything about all the terrorist backers breaking Canada’s laws until the uproar becomes deafening? Lazy? Fearful? Maybe just a bit too concerned with being branded racist or the like. With the present leader of the country playing that card far too frequently in the past during his reign of error it may be a possibility. Hopefully some speedy convictions with real consequences would be a good second step toward real justice for Canadians that are being threatened on a daily basis. It is a national embarrassment and tragedy that anyone would feel like they had to move away from their country because of official inaction.

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I don't support two-tier law enforcement. If the police are only going to enforce the laws against half the population, they deserve only half the pay.

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You amaze me with the extent and depth of your investigative journalism - from Hezbollah, Unit 910, Residential schools, China interference, and more.

Not the ill-informed, badly researched opinion that seems to pass as journalism in most of the establishment news outlets - NYT, Washington Post, Toronto Star, et al.

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Again concern about citizenship given out too randomly to those from other countries and seemingly, our inability to stem the flow, take back what should not have been given out and remove those who already have a decision against their applications for citizenship. Come one Liberals (currently) do something constructive for the love of god. I know that the Conservatives, whenever our current 'leader' leaves, will try.

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There is hope if Israel can vanquish Hezbollah. And I’m sure Zoe is perfect. Good work mum and dad!!!!.

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"currently serving the third of three life sentences in France" LOL

That's no jackal, that's a cat!

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Terry, is there a relation for Unit910 and 9/11? Thank you for your timely writing. I also fear for

the Jewish population, and Canada. Shame on us for not learning moral lessons from the past.

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Not quite in line with your piece, but I was looking at some polling among Palestians. Before October 7th Hamas and Fatah were basically tied in support. Now Hamas has a very large lead

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Hopefully, it will be Hamas RIP.

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It is most important to intervene at the source of this rot: the schools and universities, and the department of education and school boards that support and distort them. The corruption of our teachers is due to the extremist ideology of our faculties of education that indoctrinate teachers. The universities have been taken over by 1960s radicals and their students. Behind it all is the extremism of the Trudeau government that has mandated DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion), which in practice is reverse racism, reverse sexism, pro LGBTQ++, and antisemitism, but which forbids diversity of thought and opinion. Canada institutionalized and funded every illiberal belief and practice that true liberalism was meant to exclude. And controlling the educational systems means controlling the future.

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