This farcical “Public Inquiry” under the command of frau, er, Commissioner Hogue is already David Johnston Part II, which was its purpose all along. The Trudeau government/Liberal Party has zero intention of ever allowing a proper inquiry into this mess.
This farcical “Public Inquiry” under the command of frau, er, Commissioner Hogue is already David Johnston Part II, which was its purpose all along. The Trudeau government/Liberal Party has zero intention of ever allowing a proper inquiry into this mess.
This farcical “Public Inquiry” under the command of frau, er, Commissioner Hogue is already David Johnston Part II, which was its purpose all along. The Trudeau government/Liberal Party has zero intention of ever allowing a proper inquiry into this mess.
It's all sunny ways for the most open and transparent government in history.
Much like it’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye (or a country).