It is a strange application of Pretzel Logic to deny the very political party that was targeted by the CCP in two elections full standing at the Hogue inquiry. I bet the Liberal brain trust had lots of water cooler snickers over that one, winning the “hyper partisan” wars by proxy.
The Hogue inquiry will sputter along, with lots of extens…
It is a strange application of Pretzel Logic to deny the very political party that was targeted by the CCP in two elections full standing at the Hogue inquiry. I bet the Liberal brain trust had lots of water cooler snickers over that one, winning the “hyper partisan” wars by proxy.
The Hogue inquiry will sputter along, with lots of extensions granted so as to get around having a report thud on MP desks just ahead of an election.
We can only hope that an election outcome will bear the fruits of polling information and bring about a new administration that takes national security seriously.
It is a strange application of Pretzel Logic to deny the very political party that was targeted by the CCP in two elections full standing at the Hogue inquiry. I bet the Liberal brain trust had lots of water cooler snickers over that one, winning the “hyper partisan” wars by proxy.
The Hogue inquiry will sputter along, with lots of extensions granted so as to get around having a report thud on MP desks just ahead of an election.
We can only hope that an election outcome will bear the fruits of polling information and bring about a new administration that takes national security seriously.