So many people - me included - have put their retirement eggs in the home-owning basket that deflating the market now would be very unpopular. Still, it must be done. It's not just partisan politics that stands in the way: so many MPs are heavily invested in the real estate market, too (ahem, PP, ahem).
So many people - me included - have put their retirement eggs in the home-owning basket that deflating the market now would be very unpopular. Still, it must be done. It's not just partisan politics that stands in the way: so many MPs are heavily invested in the real estate market, too (ahem, PP, ahem).
So many people - me included - have put their retirement eggs in the home-owning basket that deflating the market now would be very unpopular. Still, it must be done. It's not just partisan politics that stands in the way: so many MPs are heavily invested in the real estate market, too (ahem, PP, ahem).