The art of the con, normally reserved for snake oil salesmen and the like, has already been tactfully applied to the Canadian “willing public”. Canadians do not wish to be informed that they are anything but conciliators, peace keepers and ultra-civilized purveyors of justice in the world. To be painted as naive and willing accomplices to the most repressive dictatorship in history won’t do. Canadians will be overjoyed to find they’ve done nothing wrong and that there is nothing-to-see-here and “we’ve got your back”.

Yes I believe the die is cast and this as in all the other Trudeau scandals will simply be added to the distractive pile. But, I really hope I’m wrong and Canadians will wake up from this nightmare and alter our trajectory away from Xi’s regime. Thank you Terry for being that persistent alarm clock!!

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Call me cynical but I don't think the solution is going to be found at the ballot box. The current system is entirely rigged. Plus, if voting could change anything they'd make it illegal.

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The reason there are so many Florida Man stories is that Florida has one of the oldest and most expansive sunshine laws in the world. Any police report that is filed is available to the public. You don't even need to request them. They're online.

I'm convinced the opposite phenomenon occurs in Canada. We trust in government, because we don't know what goes on in government. If there was more transparency there'd be less trust and more demands for transparency.

To say the leaks are causing distrust in intuitions is wrong about both the cause and effect. The distrust is not caused by the leaks, but their substance. And the distrust is not in the institutions, but in those running the institutions. We have not lost faith in democracy, but in the government's willingness to defend our democracy. A principle is only a principle if you hold to it even when it is against your immediate self-interest.

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Thanks Terry. I can’t even voice how disappointed on the outcome I am. It seems to end this way all the time. I have zero faith in Canadians doing anything about anything. Their complacency is the very reason Canada is such an easy target. We are already as close as they come to being a communist country and if it’s left to the people of Canada to change the trajectory, there is no hope in changing anything.

All one has to do is look at how Canadians reacted to the protest in Ottawa. They Blamed the convoy and cheered on Trudeau. The protesters were fighting for what was stolen from them. Their freedom, jobs, and life. Canadians cheered for a tyrannical Government over those trying to stop the Corrosive and unnecessary theft of rights and freedoms and the governments massive over reach. Then there was what the government did to those who dared protest their tyranny as they froze bank accounts, property, and sent in the Jack boots. Canadians lapped this up, especially in Ottawa, where the ruling class are. Many Canadians to this day think what the government of this country did was right, regardless of the truth and the facts presented at the commission. Canada is already a Communist Country as the people have quietly become far to afraid of freedom and actually cheer on tyranny of the Government. There is another word for what they are but those who do not stand up for right over wrong, won’t stand up for anything at all. So we all shall stay prisoners in their making of a communist hell.

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Ditch Johnston. I nominate Glavin for Special Independent Rapporteur. If that doesn't fly, then at least I hope David Johnston is a regular reader of this newsletter.

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I like the "comprador" term, but prefer the Comintern phrase for Western politicians aiding the Soviets while under the delusion they were advancing world emancipation: " useful idiots."

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The photo is priceless. Thank you Terry for all your hard work

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What has to happen is that all the facts need to be made known to the Canadian public and let them make their decisions individually and collectively. They can be trusted to come to the right solution if they are given the facts. The issue is that the Canadian main stream media and the paid Liberal party media suppress and don't disclose the pertinent facts. That is why independent journalism is co important.

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Lack of access to information is only one factor when trying to understand why people support a corrupt politician like Trudeau. First, some people may not fully understand the implications of that behaviour. They may not be aware of the consequences of Trudeau’s actions or the full extent of the corruption.

Second, many people have a strong sense of loyalty to their political party or ideology, and they may be willing to overlook or forgive corrupt behaviour from a politician who represents their values. This can create a strong bias towards supporting that politician, even when they are engaging in unethical or illegal activities. We see this with both Trudeau and Trump.

Third, some people may follow corrupt politicians because they believe that they will benefit personally from the politician's actions, such as receiving favorable treatment (money) or gaining access to government grants, or other handouts that would otherwise be unavailable to them. This may explain Trudeau’s popularity in Quebec.

Fourth, in some cases, people may feel that all politicians are corrupt or that there are no viable alternatives. This can lead them to continue supporting a corrupt politician, even if they don't fully agree with their behaviour or policies.

Fifth, corrupt politicians, like Trudeau, may be skilled at appealing to people's emotions and fears, using tactics such as scapegoating, fearmongering, and creating wedge issues. This can make it easier for them to win over unthinking supporters, even if their actions are ultimately harmful.

If Canadians do not smarten up, and soon, I think we are all doomed to own nothing. But I for one, am not going to like it.

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In the 2019 and 2021 election lead-ups, the most common responses I received when pointing out Trudeau’s unethical, undemocratic, untrustworthy, anti-Canadian, divisive wedge policies and politics were: 1) Better the devil you know; and 2) They’re all the same. Both of these responses are lazy, inaccurate, and ignorant in the true sense of the word. The flood of pro-Trudeau/Liberal messaging (much of which is paid for by taxpayers under the guise of “government program announcements” and through the Liberals’ propaganda arm, the CBC), and anti-Conservative/Scheer/O’Toole and now anti-Poilievre messaging becomes so common place and manipulative that it is a monumental task to turn that brainwashed attitude around. Despite my feelings that Scheer was rather a “wienie” and that O’Toole was disappointing with his flip-flops; it was always clear that both were better choices than “the devil, Trudeau, we knew”, and Pierre Poilievre, his intelligence, experience, and his politics by far a better choice. Thank you, Terry Glavin, for your continued superior investigative journalism.

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Andrew, you say of the Canadian public, "They can be trusted to come to the right solution if they are given the facts."

I respectfully disagree with you, Sir.

The disreputable, the racist behavior, the lies, the unfounded odious and vile allegations against those who oppose him and so many other bad actions of JT have been on full display and extensively reported for many years but he still is voted in by the folks in the GTA, Quebec and the Atlantic. In truth, it seems to me that the public so often does not read, does not ponder and does not consider so to say as you do that the public can be trusted if they are given facts flies in the face of actual experience.

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So many ignorant people lulled into laziness and drunk on the promise of free stuff. We are leaving the realm of socialism and quickly entering a corporatist/communist hell and we are being prodded along by government funded media whores. Mr. Glavin is not one of those.

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Sadly I also agree that “the public” in general do not have any interest in politics and therefore any news generated by the collective House and its activities. In other words politicians are largely ignored. At “the public’s peril I’m afraid.

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Agreed. If not a 30 second video, no interest. This is not to say reporting should stop,

as to do so, concedes to political unaccountability.

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Sadly the legacy media will never publish this information for their followers but thank you for everything you have been publishing. We can't ask much more from a journalist.

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Viz legacy media. Actually. . . https://nationalpost.com/opinion/david-johnston-the-right-man-to-whitewash-chinese-interference

And I've written a lot more about Chretien over the years for the Citizen and the Post.

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Don't stop.

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Even then, they become so invested in what they thought was truth, that it matters not what truth they are told, they stick to the propaganda like flies to you know what.

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Some time ago, I heard a Canadian academic interviewed about Canadian attitudes. He told a story about an American professor who’d done a study on Canadians many years before that. He concluded that Canadians were a naive and servile people who didn’t understand the implications of what was happening around them. At the time, the Canadian academic was offended and irate. But in the interview, he’d changed his mind. He felt that what the American professor said was correct. I agree with him. Canadians don’t understand. Or maybe it’s the academic and I who are wrong.

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I also agree. It's really quite sad to see our country turned into an international state of cuckolds

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They don’t pay enough attention to understand anything. What they are told is what they believe as they can’t be bothered to look into anything on their own. On another note, I explained to some friends what was going on during the BC Commission into the money laundering in the Casino. I had bought and read Sam Cooper’s book so thought it pertinent to warn people and was greeted with “No one cares about that stuff.” From a friend in BC, no less. A Socialist friend in BC. Many are truly all for Communism especially if they have gone through the University system. They are indoctrinated into it. So you can not win in a country that has been corrupted from within.

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Today, I mentioned similar things to a friend in a text, slipped it in between talking about our kids (I have to slip it in because she tells me she 'votes Liberal'). She replied back about the kids, but not a word about the other thing. It's like she doesn't want to go there, or can't absorb what I said. I think you're right about BC. There are more communists in universities than I realized. Don't they know that in real Communism, academics are always the first ones to get the chop?

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I have very similar experiences with my friends Janice. I very carefully and casually try to bring up “ hey, did you see what’s going on with China and our government?” And you can see right away, visible discomfort, their brains trying to change subject. I wish I had a friend like you to talk to about this stuff! As an ex NDP/Liberal voter I see I’ve moved on but none of my social circle has!

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I'm smiling when you say "very casually try to bring it up" since I know the feeling. One of my sons who used to vote CPC, voted LPC last time. If I very carefully and casually try to bring up anything about the LPC shenanigans, he says, " I don't want to talk about it". Thankfully I have another son who gets it. However, the first one says that all the second one does is spread conspiracy theories. Like each side fighting on different sides of a civil war.

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I think we’re about two thirds through this experiment called Canada that started around 1800 after the American Revolution. I’ve taken one online history course at a US Ivy League university every year since 2009. That’s a lot of history, so I have a peculiar way of looking at the world now. Something surprising to me was that most civilizations don’t last long, a few hundred years normally. I think the country we live in in now that was originally composed mainly of white people and based on Judeo-Christian values will be gone by the end of this century and another one will have replaced it, a non-white country dominated by a number of powerful ethnic or religious entities. I’d like to be a fly on the wall then, knowing what I do about history.

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Canadians are the frog in the metaphoric pot of water and it's starting to get extremely hot.

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I'm praying for you guys. Some divine intervention can't hurt, especially when you've got Trudeau and his lackeys blabbering to friendly media outlets to distract from those people wheeling that Trojan horse thru the gates .

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That Trojan horse is well beyond the gates in Canada. It’s rolled right up to the Parliament building s in Ottawa.

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Superb work! Thank you. I remember feeling proud of our country for establishing a relationship with China back in the day. It seemed then and it still seems to make sense that the world will be a better place if we all work in collaboration rather than isolation. So I’m thinking that all these Canadian politicians who snuggled up with China and continue to do so are motivated by the best interests of Canada. Perhaps they are preparing the ground for a relationship with China after the current despotic undemocratic regime is replaced. The flip side of course is that our political and corporate leadership has developed an unhealthy sycophancy when it comes to China as evidenced by our tepid response to the two Michael’s horrific incarceration, treatment of minorities, squashing of democracy in Hong Kong and its renewed support of the Russian enterprise. Bottom line is the Canadian ruling class remains, like the country, kind of naive, kind of full of itself and rather an embarrassment really… kind of like the people who elect and support them,

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Scott, I absolutely agree that Mr. Glavin does superb work.

Unlike you, I wasn't proud of Canada for establishing a relationship with mainland China at the time that it occurred. I thought it inevitable that there would be a relationship but I thought that the whole thing was, well, complicated and needed to be approached terrifically carefully and not with the glee that was displayed at the time. Further, a large part of the fact of establishing that relationship was massive thumbing of our nose at the US; I absolutely recall that. I have no problem with us having an independent foreign policy that is independent of the US or the UK or any other country but it is, in my opinion, to choose a foreign policy simply to spite a third (e.g. US) country.

I also recall at the time being a bit cynical about the relationship due to the - obvious even at that time - incredible naivite of Trudeau pere as I read about his and Pelletier's trip through China when they were younger and they didn't have a clue about the effect of the Great Leap Forward and the various other "progressive" policies of China. All of that was, of course, well established well prior to Canada making it's decision but Trudeau pere, just like Trudeau fils, knew better than anyone else....

Now, as for the idea that our politicians "are motivated by the best interests of Canada" I have a lot of land that I would like to sell you. Ocean view lots, you know, right on the water, oh, about 12 hours a day. The rest of the day? Well washed; must be clean, right?

My point sir, is that I respectfully thing that your comment is particularly naive. Further, at best, at best I say, these politicians are naive but, in my opinion, more likely, many of those proponents of China are motivated by immense self interest. Please note that I have not accused anyone of selling out. Of course, everyone can have their own interpretation.

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I agree with your point about the irrational hatred of the USA that comes from the left. I have a few usually rational friends, who blame the USA for everything bad in the world, Putin's invasion of Ukraine, well the Americans forced his hand. Collapse of Venezuela, well its all about American sanctions, it goes on and on. They also get very emotional when I point out facts that disprove their positions, which makes me think their anti-Americanism is not rational, but more an emotional response. So yes, getting closer with China is thumbing our nose at the USA, and the hard-core anti-Americans don't care about the Laurentian mafia getting rich from it.

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As Chinese drones are shipped to Russia, I expect all good Liberals will join Russian forces to “denazify” Ukraine.

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Walter, it is clear that we have our own Chinese drones here in Canada. Many of them are elected politicians and their supporters.

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Thanks Terry for your diligence and sense of duty. All Canadians are in your debt. It would appear the powers that be think the "rubes" can be browbeaten, condescended to and impugned without any type of accountability. I sincerely hope the authorities get to the bottom of this.

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"Fortified by family connexion, and the common interest felt by all who held, and all who desired, subordinate offices, that party was thus erected into a solid and permanent power, controlled by no responsibility, subject to no serious change, exercising over the whole government of the Province an authority utterly independent of the people and its representatives, and possessing the only means of influencing either the Government at home, or the colonial representative of the Crown."

Lord Durham's Report, 1838

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I believe that we need to continue sharing information. I have been GUILTY of plagerism. My high school English teacher would be ballistic. But what Andrew Burgess said. PEOPLE NEED TOGET INFORMED & MAKE THEIR OWN DECISIONS. We can raise all kinds of money, print millions of pamphlets but if the information does not reach through the lemonaide forehead than what is one to do. So yes I will share information and i may be hurt in some way. I am ok with that. I want to contribute. I read & subscribe to good writers. There are many people that comment . There are many good voices & words. People that are never heard. People that could pierce some of those dull minds.

I never belonged to a political party until Justin Trudeau became PM. I was enraged. Since then much of my semi-retired life involves my fight against the Liberals & NDP.

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