FIXED: On the web version anyway. The emailed version of this Real Story names Dalton McGuinty as the NISCOP chair; in fact it's the Liberal MP David McGuinty, Dalton's brother.

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Thanks, Terry. It is disappointing, discouraging and disgusting to see yet another bit of skullduggery buried in black ink and bafflegab - and yet not surprising after nearly 8 years of the same. You did, indeed, see right through Butts’ and his pro-inquiry facade. Many of us have known not to trust anything coming from Butts (or Telford, Chin, or Trudeau) for a very long time. Twice, you have made a cryptic comment about the Conservatives’ and their big problems or mess. Will you elucidate these statements in the next instalment? And the NDP/China connections. Please continue to do what you can to expose the corruption in the government, as we certainly appreciate your efforts.

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Thanks Penny. I've been working it up for days, it's just that there are so many deeply compromised "Friends of China" in high places, if I just listed their names in a newsletter I swear I'd break Substack's word limit. I do very much intend to show how Beijing's pals made inroads into the Conservative Party, sometimes in plain sight (Jean Charest, Patrick Brown), and sometimes in more surreptitious ways. Remember, it's not just that Beijing's agents worked to get the Liberals re-elected. They worked to get the Conservatives defeated. And that work was undertaken well outside the writ period, and well inside the Conservative Party itself.

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Thanks, Terry, for the reassurance. I truly appreciate your diligence and scrupulous writing and really do understand that it takes time. I will attempt the same diligence in practising patience. Keep up the great work.

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This is not an outcome that should be acceptable in any democracy anywhere. We have turned into the proverbial “teenager staring into a small screen” oblivious to all things that affect us or any actions that might shield us from future harm. Its starting to feel like a bad movie with a bad ending.

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It has stopped even mattering to most western Canadian conservatives any more - these constant “revelations” that just infuriate but go nowhere. As long as we live in a country where a majority can fleece a minority just as long as they keep electing Liberal crooks nothing will change. Every Cnd institution and bureaucratic body is compromised and owned by Liberals who are repeatedly elected by the electoral majority in The East in exchange for a guarantee of Alberta money - that is Canada’s dysfunctional democracy. It stopped even being An unfunny joke a long time ago.

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well stated! You hit the nail on the head. Seems there is nothing that spurs Canadians into action. Maybe that's why the truckers inspired so much hope.

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In Canada the majority does not necessarily win. The party that gets more votes than the other parties, a plurality of votes, might be expected to win. But that is often not the case either. In the 2021 election:

The Liberals got 32.6% of the popular vote and captured 160 seats.

The Conservatives got 33.7% of the popular vote but only captured 119 seats.

The NDP got 17.8% of the popular vote but only captured 25 seats.

The Bloc got only 7.6% of the popular vote and got a whopping 32 seats.

This is the sad state of “democracy” in Canada. Bloc voters concentrated in a few Quebec ridings get way more seats than the popular vote would dictate. Liberal voters concentrated in Toronto and a few Quebec and Maritime ridings give the Liberals more seats despite losing the popular vote. Thus the Liberals will continue to exploit Canadians to fill their pockets. More taxes coming April 1st, and that is not a joke.

The way I see it, Conservatives only win federal elections when there is a strong NDP. Remember Jack Layton and the orange wave. With Mr. Rolex leading the NDP this will never happen, and Canadians are condemned to Liberal minorities controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. Maybe China should just run candidates in Canadian federal elections and cut out the Liberal middle men (sorry, middle people).

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This is infuriating. Nothing like feeling completely helpless when it comes to transparency and justice in this country. Cool...cool.

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Fascinating. Looking forward to the “naming and shaming” of fellow travellers. Hopefully that purifying glare of sunlight will aid in the call for an open and focussed investigation of some sort that finally will catch the attention of the going public.

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Why do I get the feeling this entire debacle will mirror the Epstein affair. Crimes with no perpetrators.

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The Butt’s interview was so blatantly obvious.

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All of those in receipt of CCP largesse are now using a new talking point- that the PRC changed in 2015 as well as Canadian attitudes to the PRC, hoping that this makes everything ok. It doesn't hold water. CCP harassment of diaspora, HR violations, elite capture, influence ops and election interference are longstanding. Some business, academics, universities, politicians and former government officials took the money and looked the other way. They are horrified by the prospect of a spotlight being placed on collusion with the CCP. There will be a big push to bury this story. Eg. Russia is greater threat, climate change is a greater threat to our national security - fits in better with the narrative.

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I used to live in Peter Julian's riding. No matter what he does (or doesn't do, because he's often just there for the photo op), he has the NDP vote. His supporters are as loyal as TruAnon.

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Same with Gord Johns in Courtenay Alberni riding.

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I have yet to figure out what, if anything, Nanaimo-Ladysmith NDP MP, Lisa Marie Barron, does, other than vote the party line and virtue signal. She certainly doesn’t respond to email correspondence. Auto-reply about how incredibly busy she is and specific instructions on how to possibly get her attention is as good as it gets.

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Why should it be up to the government, aka Trudeau and the PMO, to decide whether to call an inquiry or not. One is definitely needed, and cannot Parliament make it happen, if the NDP supports it? Or better yet, call a no confidence motion and bring them down. The House of Commons is long overdue for a thorough spring house cleaning.

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Unfortunately Trudeau will probably get away with it.

Some of the media want to cover it in more depth but too much of the media give it only passing coverage, with lots of Trudeau Liberal quotes.

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Fasting and prayer, all week long

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good lad

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Good lad

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