Folks have not been paying attention (except for a few like you) to JT’s total misunderstanding of how the world works and what damage nations like China are doing. He inherits his dad’s predilection to diss the British, the Americans and any traditional allies in attempts to find “another way” for our foreign policy. Except he can’t spell foreign policy. He should never have been PM. He did not merit it — and that is our real issue. Selection of who leads us.

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Your work is much appreciated Terry.

Pletka & Thiessen just did an interesting podcast about TikTok, China’s new spyware app.

TikTok pretends to be social media, very popular with kids who have phone-toys (i.e. all of them).

However, it’s more like Israel’s “Pegasus” & it compromises any network that the phone-toy connects to:


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I just read that they are gathered, academics, government officials, CSIS and the RCMP (I believe are both captured due to the head of CSIS being promoted straight out of Trudeau's Privy Council and the fact he flipped on the Emergency Act) and are putting in Climate Change as part of the Emergency Act along with Economic damage (very little came from the blockades as there are several crossings and three other bridges to cross other than the Ambassidor Bridge) so if the Chinese Police Stations are to be investigated by either I would suggest they will find little and do less. Thank you Terry for keeping the information coming. I think Canada is in a lot of trouble. If Trudeau calls an election in the spring this could get extrmely ugly. I am afraid for our country. our democracy, and our freedom. The more information we have can help prevent a foreign take over the better. We need to get this out to as many people as possible to avoid such a disaster. Thank you again and again.

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Don’t need a foreign policy if your entire cabinet is on the CCP payroll in one way or another. There’s something to be said for our government being clever, but not smart. I’m sure many of them don’t even know they’re being compensated, coerced, tricked, encouraged, or downright bribed by China. Remember all the trade envoys, complete with mayors of “cities” like Nanaimo, places that wouldn’t even get their own zip code in China. But they knew and know exactly what they are doing, and it’s wholly too late - the era where you could just put heads on pikes as a response to bad governance is passed. The idea of knowing more about the government than they know about us is extinct. The passion and resolve of “being Canadian” is shriveled, replaced by Timmy’s and Hockey and white guilt, and other ideas not shared by the millions of new Canadians who have graced our shores in the last couple of decades.

Canada is a place transformed, for better or for worse. I would say, worse. Oh well, time to ship more old growth forests off to Asia so they can make $25 guitars. It’ll be the only thing keeping the lights on before too long.

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Thank you Terry !! Great journalism in a messy 🌎

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Klaus Scwab recently said China is a role model. Justin Trudeau is WEF acolyte beloved of Schwab. Justin Trudeau publicly stated he admires China's basic dictatorship. Full circle.

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Canada's China policy, within the scope of my memory, has always been defined as whatever business/industry interest has been speaking the loudest at any given moment. It is deeply selfish and unprincipled and appears set to continue along the same lines.

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