
Ix-nay in the evacuation-say from Lebanon, thank you very much. If you’re Canadian and choose to spend your time back in the ‘home country’, you can bloody well find your way back many moons ago. This is bullshit.

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I’m about done with hauling half-baked convenient Canadians and their “extended” families back and forth to their foreign “home lands” whenever it suits them to claim the perks of their dual-citizenship. No doubt Ms. Joly has the Parliamentary cooks working overtime to make sure the sandwiches meet the approval of her Lebanese flight passengers to insure we don’t have the same complaints from them when we carted them back to Canada to the tune of millions of tax dollars last time we rushed to evacuate them. If the government has any brains they’ll make them pay their own way this time.

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Totally agree.

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Why fly commercial when you can just wait for a Canadian Forces flight for free to visit the relatives back in Canada?

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I’d rather fly commercial. Good chance the CAF aircraft will encounter “technical difficulties” and be (most inconveniently) grounded.

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I think they brought them to Cyprus last time around and expect they'd likely do the same this time.

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I can't understand why this hyphenated Lebanese can't take care of their own travel arrangements.

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I wonder how much Canadian taxpayers will have to pay to give free flights to people who live in a foreign country and most likely pay no Canadian tax. No money for military vets ("they are asking more than we can give"), but magically there are millions of dollars to fly people with very little or no ties to Canada except a Canadian passport. I am so sick of this bullshit.

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Just wait, there are 300,000 "Canadians" in Hong Kong.

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As long as we don't evacuate Beverly McLachlin...

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I wonder how much the Chinese government paid her to hide their human rights violations? Some people will do anything for money... what do we call those people...?

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

Perhaps the federal government would like to rescue the 100,000 Canadians whose flights were cancelled in Canada, thanks in large part to the “contribution” Sheamless O’Regan.

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I will never forget a number of years back when Lebanese Canadians were complaining that they didn’t get proper food while being rescued by Canada from a Warzone. 🤦

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On the evacuation

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Jul 2Liked by Terry Glavin

If anyone is interested in a long-form, informative and often humorous look at the "real" Julian Assange, this 25,000 essay by his biography ghostwriter Andrew O'Hagan is revelatory and entertaining:


As for the airlifts in Lebanon, I thought it was decided after the 2006 rescue of thousands of Lebanese-Canadians at huge expense - and who returned to Lebanon as soon as the war was over - that next time they were going to have to worry about their own trek back to Hotel Canada. God knows, they've had months of warning.

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But..but…but….an election is on the horizon and Le Dauphin flounders in the polls!

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Isn’t it about time we stopped evacuating “Canadians” from the countries in which they’ve chosen to live out their lives, raise their families, operate businesses — because that country has suddenly become unsafe due to threat of war. Deja vue all over again when it comes to “Canadians of convenience” in Lebanon. Several years ago, an evacuation was mounted — and guess what, as soon as the danger had passed, the evacuated hot-footed it back to Lebanon and resumed their lives. Please… not again ! Taxpayers have had enough ! If we have to do something, fly them to Cyprus and let them find their own way to Canada or elsewhere, using their own funds. The money Canada (especially by this current government) spends to save the world needs to be spent to save us here at home — by building up our military and procuring the necessaries in the way of assets not only to meet our NATO commitment, but to protect us against potential agressors who now view us as soft weaklings. I watched the RCAF 100th. anniversary flypast in Ottawa yesterday and seeing the Lancaster bomber in the air brought tears to my eyes. I’m 87 years old, and I remember when Canada provided jobs in places such as Goderich , where the Lancasters were built. Instead of wasting countless billions on subsidizing foreign manufacturers who may or may not build batteries for electric cars, we should be getting back to what we did best — creating jobs here and now by manufacturing artillery shells and other munitions. There’s no market for electric cars, but as General Andrew Leslie (retired) recently pointed out, there’s a market for munitions. Of course our PM and the other “experts” in his cabinet can’t see a business case when it’s staring them right in the face (e.g. liquid natural gas).

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Happy Canada Day, Terry! I’m happy that I subscribe to The Real Story, and I’m extra happy that I didn’t listen to one single stupid, gaslighting, phony word out of Trudeau’s mouth! It was a good day!

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What some people finally realized on Thursday night is that Biden is not mentally competent, from which it follows that others have been pulling the strings of this administration for some time now. In other words, the *acting* president is a president-in-council that was never elected, but rather arranged by insiders. We don't really know who the president is right now. How is that for an existential threat to democracy? And that's the real story of Thursday night.

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The explanation may require a weeks to become clear but I'm baffled by the Democrats. Why shove Biden onto a national stage, in an obviously diminished cognitive state, two full months before presidential debates normally begin? Why intentionally impair your candidates prospects, unless ..........

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He's obviously not competent to be president, but I have a feeling they'll stick with him and that mean obstreperous bully, now with immunity, will be back and looking for blood.

Putin must be rubbing his hands in glee, and I wonder what will happen on the northern border.

May you live in interesting times..

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With regard to the Kamloops covenant, Terry writes,

<< Apart from certain telltale contraditions that were impossible to expunge from the record . . . >>

When reading that sentence, I found myself wondering whether “contraditions” was a garden-variety typo, or perhaps a kind of Freudian typo deriving from con + traditions . . .

I’ll have to go back and re-read the covenant document, because I didn’t come away from my first reading with much sense of an “apology” to Catholics (Indigenous or not) coming from the T te S. I saw that you’d drawn that conclusion in your National Post piece, and indeed I may have missed that.

What I did notice in the document was the attempt to fudge what was actually said in the band’s May 2021 news release with this soft re-framing:

<< In May 2021, the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation reported that preliminary findings from a ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey of the grounds at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School revealed “approximately 200” anomalies, some of which might be unmarked graves of former students. The Nation cautioned that more research was needed to determine what exists in that part of the former Residential School site. >>

Uh, sorry, no. That is NOT what T te S reported back in 2021 that shook the world, and this attempt to modify the tenor of their announcement three years on – presumably to reduce their culpability – does not fly! There are copies of that infamous press release on countless hard drives, and we have not forgotten what it said.

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More than that, schools continue to tell our school children every day that those were the graves of murdered children. These little hints of honesty by the Kamllops band have not changed the overall narrative around this one iota.

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You are so right, Bill. An example:

Teachers taking Grade 5 students to watch the Kamloops Powwow a couple of weeks ago were advised by the school board to note this "special protocol":

<< Due to the fact that the Arbour site/Powwow grounds are located below the former Kamloops Residential School and by the site of Le Estcwicwéy̓ (215 Lost Children), please respect the following protocol: Pictures and video are allowed; however, out of respect to Le Estcwicwéy̓ (215 Children) we are asked to avoid taking pictures of the burial grounds, even in the background if possible. The burial grounds are located on the East side of the Arbour toward the river. >>

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What a week it has been starting with the epic loss of St Paul riding from Liberals to Tories after 31 years and now the Liberal caucus is finally waking up and evidently talking openly about getting Trudeau out. In the US, the Biden-Trump, I hesitate to call it a debate. More just a sad confirmation that Biden is past his overdue date...he too may be facing pressure to resign...but the juries out on that one. Then we also have Farage in the UK, Macron and Le Pen in France, Geert Wilders in the Netherlands and all this at the beginning of summer. Oh, and Canada Day was fun.

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Populist : a person, especially a politician, who strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups.

Sounds about right. Small wonder they are vilified by MSM.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

Check out Dominic Frisby for some musical satire.


Polite and smart and punctual, it once was good to be.

You answer’d for your actions and a woman was a she.

You’d stand up for your people, if needs be even fight.

But now if you uphold such values then you are far right.

We’re all far right now!

We’re all far right now!

Peterson, Rogan, Shapiro.

Ee-aye, Ee-aye, Ee-aye-oh.

We worship Mussolini

His portrait’s in the loft.

Musk saved Twitter.

Heil Hitler

We’re all far right now!

Oh you say you’re in the middle,

A moderate individual,

A Gladstonian liberal.

You once laughed at Donald Trump

You’re probably a fascist too.

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Epic loss? Merely a Church that got burnt. It is understandable.

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A good start, I’d say.

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Will Canada evacuate the 45,000 before or after the two billion trees are planted?

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I was mistaken in assuming these Lebanese-Canadians were getting a free ride home. They will pay for the flights. Good. Lesson learned from 2006.

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Are you sure?

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Well, I was told that by a friend who seemed pretty sure, and she follows the news on this stuff. So I can't say absolutely sure...but...

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Mark Levin, who I respect but have found has become increasingly shrill lately ( frustrated perhaps?) pointed out that if the Dems ditch the elder abuse Biden strategy , they disenfranchise the millions (?) of Americans who voted for Biden in the primaries. A cause for discussion about democracy.

Trugrope lies. The fake graves story in Kamloops was just another example of his duplicity. These charlatan liberals call this “ politics”. Thats what is broken in Canada! A great country hijacked by an amoral trugrope cult.

Import more immigrants with no place to live? NO!

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Import more Liberal voters seems to be Liberal Party strategy. Oh, and give the vote to 16 year old children who have been indoctrinated by lefty teachers and the WE Charity into believing socialism is a good thing. I also predict strategic voting in some ridings where the NDP or Liberal candidate will drop out to try and defeat the Conservatives. Liberals will do anything to hold onto power and continue to shovel our tax dollars to their friends. Sickening.

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I don’t believe Biden was “primaried”. I believe there were no primaries for the Democratic Party.

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Biden won Democratic primaries in New Mexico, South Dakota,New Jersey,Montana and Washington DC

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You are correct. I am wrong.

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If I decide to leave Canada for a vacation, and something goes awry, why would I expect my Government to bring me back home? Jeez!

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Why can't we just say "We advise all Canadians to leave Lebanon. If you chose to stay it is at your own risk as Canada will not be providing evacuations."

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The Tk’emlúps and several other bands received taxpayer money by false petenses. How much of that money was returned when the truth came out? None , of course.

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Thank you for passing on your observations.

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What a great -- if depressing -- roundup, Terry. Thank you.

PS: Did you see my substack article about starvation in Gaza called 'The Hunger Game'?

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